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The Modern Gentleman's Guide to Online Dating Apps Part 1: Choosing the Right Pictures

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

TLDR: Take and select much better pictures of yourself. Use someone's dog. Collect and select.

For this blog, I will help you all ascertain what constitutes choosing a good picture over a bad one while explaining each picture in detail. The next part will cover crafting a superb profile so you can land matches who are much more compatible with you.

This is written from the standpoint of a heterosexual male so just FYI.

Let me paint a picture for you: you've recently broken up with your horrible ex who all your bros have been telling you that she wasn't even that great to begin with and now you just want to have fun, swiping on cuties using all the different dating apps out there. Problem is, the matches you're receiving are subpar at most, and it feels like no one is giving you a chance. Disgruntled and sexually frustrated, you quit a week afterwards of inconsistency, you say to yourself that dating apps aren't you thing and now you'll be on a dry spell until La Rona passes, whenever she's done.

If this sounds something remotely similar to you, then I have some solutions for you. I'm not the type of person who doesn't practice what he preaches so you best believe that everything I'm about to share has been tried and true anecdotally. Also I'm no playboy myself so if you wanted to be on dating apps to smash and pass then unfortunately I don't know how to craft a dating profile worthy of that title. What I can help you with is making a profile that will not only land you more matches but the quality of women which end up swiping on you increases. I'll begin by telling you my story first.

Around October 2015, I started using Tinder and Coffee Meets Bagel to meet cuties. It lasted until April 2016 when a cutie(who's now my ex) took me off the market and we dated for a while. I focused more of my time on Tinder than CMB because at the time, I wanted someone more adventurous and partied hard just like me. CMB was and still probably is for people who want to be a bit more serious. Probably since I focused more time and was more consistent on Tinder that I ended up landing more matches there than CMB.

After the breaking up with my Tinder girl, I was on Bumble, Tinder and CMB again. Feeling very defeated and broken down, I figured to instead of search of external validation, I needed to work on myself. I took myself off the dating apps and became a hermit for the entire 2017. During this time, I worked on myself, partied less and trained more. In the beginning of 2018, I decided to try again with dating apps but this time I chose CMB and Bumble. This time however, my Bumble and CMB matches exponentially increased compared when I tried it in 2015-2016. Obviously luck plays a huge part in all of this however depending on how you write your profile and which pictures to use heavily dictates your luck. Curating the best pictures and actually filling out the profile was the game changer. So much that I ended up with the girlfriend I have now of 2.5 years in less than a month being back on. Therefore this too can serve you well. You may be thinking, well no shit Sherlock. Well if that were the case then why would I bother blogging about this right? Because guys are dumb. I'm a guy myself who periodically likes to do stupid things. It's totally a guy thing. Ask your girlfriend or mom. They'll tell you.

Of course it would be a bunch of dudes doing this.

Now, let me explain to you the situation of being a male on dating apps. You've automatically started at a disadvantage for a few reasons:

  1. Due to jerks, assholes and douchebags, she's going to assume you're going to send her a dick pick, smash and pass. Don't be surprised if shes feigning her jaded attitude towards this whole ordeal because chances are she's seen it all. Her expectation with you is super low and so is her bullshit tolerance.

  2. She'll have much more matches than you probably ever will. For every match you get, she has 5 more matches. Talk about competition.

  3. Bots. Lots of bots. They can be super deceiving. Your best bet is to actually read their profile to see if the girl is real or not. I've come across bots mainly on Tinder and Bumble but it's been so long so I'm not quite sure if it's actually an issue anymore.

  4. Some girls like the attention they're getting on dating apps with no intention of going out with anyone so they can feel better about themselves. I've known a couple of girls personally who do this. It's pretty sad if you think about it.

  5. Some girls use dating apps as another platform to leverage their business. Therefore, they won't swipe on you. Whether it be amassing followers for IG or signing up for OnlyFans, I suppose you can respect the hustle.

So you see, your chances on dating apps are pretty damn bleak. It's pretty competitive, other dudes before you already screwed up any sort of fair chance, stupid bots linking you to some porn website, insecure girls wanting to feel better about themselves and hustlers with no intention to date your sorry ass.

With that said, I will now talk about how to even out the playing field, hell even tip it in your favor. I can't count how many of my friends' dating apps are so damn cringe worthy or pathetic that I myself wouldn't even swipe on them if I was a girl. This changes now. That's why you're reading this blog. Are you ready?


Having great pictures will get you the matches. The better the pictures, the more matches you get. Guys are visual creatures but so are women. Unfortunately, so many of you let cuties slip by because your pictures suck. I'll use my pictures as examples to show you what bad pictures are.

Look at this handsome devil. His girlfriend must be a lucky girl.

Why is this a bad picture? The cropping is bad and it looks like a couples picture. Don't ever try to use cropped pics of you and your ex.

If girls can do a background check of you better than the FBI, then believe me when I say she'll notice the hair on the right and how the picture is awkwardly cropped and zoomed in.

Next up we have group pictures as a no. Don't make it hard for your potential matches to look for you.

If you were to do a group picture, just make sure you stand out among your friends, with about an even blend of males to females.

There is science proving that women tend to view guys as more attractive when he's around females. Therefore this could work in your favor but I firmly think the benefits don't weigh out the risk.

Another common group picture I see guys use on their dating apps. I would highly not recommend using group pictures with you and your boys.

Again, you're making it difficult for cuties to look at you but my biggest gripe about using these types of pictures is the fact that since you and your boys look so damn dashing, she'll probably look at all the other guys in the picture rather than you.

Just like how girls don't like to stand next to her friends who she thinks are prettier than her, don't make the same mistake. So if you think your boys are equally as handsome or more, then use a better picture.

It's 2020 guys. Stop using your gym selfies as dating pics. The douche bag meter becomes over 9000 and she's sick and tired of tools.

The knee jerk reaction for all guys who lift is taking a gym selfie in the mirror after an arms session. It's especially irresistible when the half natty lighting is present.

I totally empathize with you all though. I myself, don't say no to a good time when it comes to sick pumps and half natty lighting. "But Joseph, I want to show off the gainz I've made!" Get some matches first and take a few out on dates. Once you two few secure enough about each other, she'll love those pics.

If I saw a pic like this, I'd be mirin' you. Srs. #realrecognizereal

Unfortunately pictures like these scream douche bag so don't post these.

Your matches will think you're too cocky and pretentious, that you'll care more about your gains than her.

The following are neutral picks when it comes to choosing pictures. They could work in your favor although I would only pick one or two. It shall be explained below:

1 to 2 selfies is fine. If all your pictures are selfies, then she'll get really suspicious.

Are you self-conscious about your body? Are you missing a limb which you haven't discussed yet but is waiting to land a date with you first to admit it?

Just like how we know when a girl is super self conscious on dating apps because she only shows her face, she'll know that about you too.

Another decent picture. The good old looking out into the distance pose.

Sure it paints the sense of adventure and she gets to see a full body angle which is good but you're not really showing your face.

Again, I'd pick no more than 2 of these types of pictures.

Showing off the back gainz while peering out into the distance in some foreign land? Decent choice.

Kudos for having a sense of adventure and awesome shot of your back.

However, it misses the mark by not being a full body shot with your face.

Finally, we will cover examples of good pictures. Good pictures are ones that show your face without sunglasses, body, and captures you in your most truest self. Pictures with animals belong in this category too. All these pictures have one thing in common: my smile. Make sure you cheese hard!

This picture displays a sense of culture and adventure. I'm also smiling, showing my face and my body. If she's a real WaNdErLuSt she'll instantly recognize Macchu Picchu.

5/8 would def swipe.

By the way, Peru is awesome and I highly suggest doing the last 6 hours of the Incan Trail. Even if you don't do cardio but lift weights, you'll be fine.

Another good picture where again, it's showing my whole face, smiling candidly and my whole body. Hair and outfit on point.

It looks as if I'm having a grand old time and people love being around people who look like they're having a good time.

Oh look, another smiling full body picture where matches can look at my face! Check out the selection of clothes as well!

My favorite color is blue and I feel the most confident in it. Pick a slim fitting shirt or button up of your favorite color as well so you too can harness the magic.

I thought Santorini was the best Greek Island of all the ones I visited. It's very relaxed and romantic.

Last but not least, we have by far the best picture of all pictures: A picture of me smiling, showing my entire body, holding my favorite weenie doge in the world.

Everyone loves dogs, especially your matches!

Your matches will melt looking at you holding a dog, even if it's not yours. By association, she'll think you're cute af because your dog is cute af. Win/win.

This is the most full proof types of pics you can take.

So this concludes the end of the blog! Thank you all for taking the time to read what I have to write. The next blog will be about how to craft a sick ass profile so you can land higher quality matches. Until next time, I'll see you guys!

Be sure to check out my other blogs with regards to either seeing life a bit more profound or understanding the nuances of fitness deeper. If you loved this article, please support me by sharing it with your friends, liking it and/or dropping a comment!

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