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Support Your Friends' Dreams!

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

TLDR; Support your friends' side hustles/hobbies. 9 times out of 10, it's something they really love doing and if it were up to them, they'd probably do it for the rest of their lives instead of their current occupation. If you have expendable income, consider spending some on what they have to offer. If not, some sound feedback works just as well. If you suck at giving feedback but genuinely you believe in them, tell them that directly and you'll make their day.

This post is for the people out there who have announced to the world what they love, their passion(s) and are attempting to align their lives to reach it.

I see you.

I believe in you.

I know you can do it.

Keep working hard to reach your dreams.

Don't get me wrong, I've a ways to go with my whole online coaching business but with the little success I currently have, I just want you know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that if you're reading this post deciding if it's worth sharing or pursing your dreams, it most definitely is.

Some of you may be really scared to make that jump, to take that outrageous dream of yours in your head, whether to put it in writing or to say it aloud and even put it in action. I was there too. I was scared shitless to announce on IG and even to my partner that being an online fitness coach is something I'd love to pursue. There are a multitude of reasons that I'll list down below, perhaps you can resonate a few with me?

  1. You don't think you're good enough. While that might be true, if you really love what you're doing then you're naturally going to do whatever it takes to improve your craft. Everyone sucks when they first start out. There is no such thing as an overnight success. Keep on sucking until you get decent. Keep on being decent until you get somewhat good.

  2. You don't think you're ready or know enough. Keep showing up and keep eating dirt. You're not ever going to know enough. You're never going to be actually ready. Execution and committing is the hardest part. I learned from Gary V to start first and fix it along the way. You won't be able to account for all the pitfalls.

  3. You fear rejection. This is me. However, in this game, rejection is very common. Another tip I follow from once again, Gary V is that if no one is buying what you have to offer or you're not achieving the success you want, that just means it's not good enough yet. Just keep working at it even if it takes years to improve.

  4. You don't think you'll succeed. Shit you don't know until you try. Like, actually try, not half ass. You don't know how many friends I have who've given up online dating because they haven't had any good matches/everyone's trash and they insist that they tried after a month. You think working out consistently for a month will get you ripped? Do you think eating clean for a month will help you drop 50lbs? Try 6 months. Hell, try 1 year of consistency. Then if things still don't pane out as you'd like, then you can comfortably say with the utmost certainty that it isn't for you.

  5. You don't think your friends will support you. Then you have ask the hard question: are they really your friends? Why bother hanging out with lame ducks? Fuck 'em. Least you know there's a complete stranger on the internet who believes in you and that's me! The ones who cheer you on and help you out are the ones you should consider spending more of your time with versus your wack friends.

The shittiest thing you can do is when your buddy tells you about how he's so passionate about gardening, you laugh in his face and say it's stupid. Or when your girlfriend tells you that she really loves to knit but you bag on her being such a grandma and tell her it's trash. Congratulations, you're a fucking douchebag.

FYI, he's the guy who made epi-pens super expensive. Fuck this guy.

It takes a lot of courage to share with the world what you really love. For some of us, it took quite a bit of reflection and soul searching to figure this part of ourselves to share with you. Please respect it and cherish this moment because it means your boy who loves to garden feels close enough with you to share his deep desire to have the tastiest tomatoes in the world. Sure going out drinking and partying every weekend is cool, but will it really bring you happiness? If you answered yes, then good for you. That still doesn't merit you the right to shit on your girlfriend for wanting to stay in for the weekend to work on her sweaters now does it?

I don't know about you but on my Instagram feed and friends circle, I really love seeing people doing what they love. That inspires me and gets me going, the people who are posting themselves working towards something that means the world to them. I firmly think that there are too many of us becoming complacent in our lives. Your tomato plant has a new leaf? I see you. You finally knitted your first sweater? Hell yeah.

Let's say your friend is into photography or makes art and they're trying to sell their artwork. Let's all agree that art is a tough business shall we? I really respect all my artist friends because of the amount of creativity and eye you need to make something like that. They've poured their heart and soul into it. With that said, if you have some income to spare, I would highly suggest purchasing their artwork. You have no idea how much it will mean to them and to both your friendships. If you tell me how you're strapped on cash but go out every weekend popping bottles then hey, we all know where your priorities lay.

At the end of the day though, it's your life. Do you enjoy what you're currently doing? Do you like taking pictures under the Ferris wheel at Coachella so you can show your thousands of followers and sleep soundly at night? Respects to you.

Your friends silently working on their dreams in the shadows are probably sick and tired of cringey TikToks or working a 9 to 5. I implore you to ask them. What gets them going? What makes it worth it? Hell, I even challenge you to ask all your buddies what their dreams are. Chances are, many of them haven't done the time to figure that of themselves. Dreams are rare these days. It's as if growing up slowly corrodes a person's dreams. It's more important to make a shit ton of money, have a house, make babies, stay at a job for 30 years to collect a pension and then die right? Let your dreamer friends and I tell you that it's a hell fucking no. There's more to life than that. The question is, are you willing dive deep in the rabbit hole to find out?

Socrates said it succinctly, "The unexamined life is not worth living,"

Say no more.

I'm going to end this off by saying a few sincere words to those trying to realize their dreams:

I love your bravery.

I respect you for embarking on this long, arduous journey.

This is your most difficult challenge yet.

However, I know you will overcome it.

Know that I believe in your vision, even when your closest friends and family don't.


Joseph L.

Be sure to check out my other blogs with regards to either seeing life a bit more profound or understanding the nuances of fitness deeper. If you loved this article, please support me by sharing it with your friends, liking it and/or dropping a comment!

When you're ready to take your fitness and mental state to the next level, feel free to check out what I have to offer by clicking on this. Spots are limited and the prices will eventually increase as I have more clients so make haste! It would truly be a honor to help you transcend into a stronger version of yourself.

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